Our Story

Small beginnings

I’ve always loved flowers. Something so simple, yet they can bring so much joy; a fragrance that can bring us back to a treasured memory; a gift that can mean so much, and a reminder that there is beauty to be found despite the chaos we so often find in our world.

After moving to Perry Oklahoma with my husband Spencer, and (now 3) children, I couldn’t help but be taken in by the breathtaking beauty of the wildflowers that bloom in the pastures and along roadways here, all throughout late summer. It was then that a dream began to grow. I wanted to be able to bring some of this beauty into more homes and hands, making flowers available to everyone - not just for big events, birthdays or hospital stays, but every day. Because there can never be too many flowers in the world.

So in 2021 I began to read as many flower books as I could find, taking inspiration from other flower farmers’ journeys, and watching youtube videos. I jumped into the world of flowers, learning and planning as much as I could.

We live in the City of Perry, and so my first year flower farming has been on a small, backyard scale. The farm has been small, but the dreams are growing here, along with the flowers. (And the weeds!!) I have killed many seedlings and flowers, but thankfully have also grown many more! And I couldn’t be more thankful for the support I’ve had from other local flower farmers, as well as from the local community here in Perry.

Still growing

2022 was a big year for us. Not only did we jump into this new business of flower farming, but we also welcomed our 3rd baby, Poppy Rae into our growing family this August!

From starting seeds in our laundry room, to building raised beds and filling every inch of our yard that I could with flowers - this year has been a challenge (especially being pregnant through much of the flower growing season!) But it has also been such a joy, as I can honestly say I’m living my dream job!

Just as our family has grown this year, we are hoping this farm will continue to grow too, as we make plans to move our growing space onto more land, where we can have space to grow so many more flowers next season!

Our Family